
Friday 7 January 2011

25 word pitch


  1. You obviously have a very clear sense of the style your magazine requires. Your pitch was concise and confident. Your clear aims, with hard work, should produce a successful magazine cover. Have you considered using an alternative colour to red so that your magazine challenges the convevtions of the genre to an extent? An example that come to my mind would be an acidic green?

  2. i think your playing to safe with your colour scheme as most magazines of your genre generally tend to use a similar pallet to what you've chosen, i think your idea's good and will be successful :)

  3. I like the colour scheme that you are going to use because I think it works really well for a rock magazine, I think the target audience may be a little young though.

  4. Weekly magazines tend to be ones that span more than a singular genre, in order to have something new to actually say per week, like magazines with sections for different genres - "hard rock and metal" seems like too uneventful a genre (I don't mean that in a bad way) to have something to say about every week.

    Just saying.

  5. You have a clear idea, which is good, you just need to make sure that the magazine fits the target audience.
